Despise Not the Days of Little BeginningCopyright é Captain Adiari, M.D.
http://www.OnlineGain.netWhat do you have in your hand?
What success story do you have for our world?
If you don't tell it, who will?
Because a unique specie you are, none ever like you
Your past success -
A stepping stone to a great future!
Yes, that is it
If only you bury it not.
"But which success? For I see none," you may enquire.
That is not true
Look deep: sure you'll see a worthwhile past deed.
Size, here matters not.
For the greatness of a tree is not in its seed size
Let your effort of the past be seed in your eyes
Let the past achievements spur you up
For life is all about seed sowing
The great and the powerful have this secret
Never do they undervalue their past achievements
They build on them
On them they climb to the next higher level.
But how? you may enquire
Yes, those great never look down on themselves and their success
No matter how infinitesimal they appear
They have good view of themselves
They talk big and loud
They know the power of words
Never will they say, "I'm small"
They know that is never any sign of humility
In my work place recently
Some guy while introducing himself
Said, "I'm one that knows nothing"
Yet our institution employed him simply for his expertise
Why introduced himself that way
To create humor?
Or to show visages of humility?
Sure, it generated giggles
But words are powerful
The great don't talk that way.
Abraham Lincoln, reporting of his sincere efforts, bellowed:
"Every man is proud of what he does well...his heart is in his work"
Despise not your achievement no matter the "smallness"
Oh, despise not yourself
Shout loud about it
Publish it about
If you don't, who else will?
Have you written a pamphlet, then let it be known
Do you give good advice?
Why not publicize it over the web?
Your experience may help someone, somewhere
It may put a little smile on someone's face
And cold the turbulent heart
And drop cash in your pocket
Learn from those who went before us
"If I have seen is by standing upon the shoulders of giants," cried Isaac Newton
No you not your past work is a good shoulder to stand to see far
That is the power of multiplied success!
What do you have in your hand?
Today, hide it not
Enquire: "How can I make it relevant in my online business?"
Think, think, think...
Apostle Paul in the Scriptures: "I magnify my office"
No wonder his success was explicit for all to see
O, Fellow Marketer, despise not the days of little beginning
For therein lies the seed of your rising!
About the Author:
Adiari Captain is an expert on Proven Home Business. To find the best home based proven business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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