Affiliate Marketing [Part 6] Web Addresses(What are IP address, Domain Name and URL?)Copyright © Captain Adiari, M.D.
http://www.OnlineGain.netIf you have ever utilized internet services, you would have come across these three terms: IP address, Domain Name and URL. And as an internet marketer, you need to know them and how they function for your business success. The importance of this knowledge is even more glaring for anyone that is about to set up a website for the first time. IP address, Domain Name and URL: what are they? Here is the answer. Happy reading...
Web AddressWeb address is the address by which the website can be accessed. Just like the computer that is connected to the internet, every website also has an
IP Addresses. However, unlike the computer IP address which can change as you browse the internet, website IP address stays constant.
Because it is a combination of long numerical figures, IP address is difficult to remember. In the 1980s, a system of addresses referred to as the
Internet Addresses were introduced. They are of two types:
Domain Names and
Uniform Resource Locator (URLs). Domain names are technically not the same as the URLs.What is a Domain Name?Domain Name is a system or collection of at least three descriptive words called
Descriptors or
Domains joined together by "dots," e.g. The descriptors are referred to as domains, which mean "regions" because they actually describe the position or location of a website.
The Specific descriptors:These are similar to the surname and are located at the far left. It is made of the initialization of the World Wide Web in small fonts (
The Middle descriptors:
These are the name you assign to your website, e.g. It is equivalent to your middle-name.
The General descriptors:
These are at the far right, much like the firstname. They are either three or two letters or a combination of two letters separated by a dot, e.g.
com, net, Note if it is a combination of two letters, the last two letters are usually the domain code of the country you have registered your domain name (e.g.; the
za here referring to South African official code).
How to Choose a Domain NameThe domain name you choose is what any browser of the internet will use to locate you. Therefore, it is important to choose a domain name that is easier to remember and the one that will advertise your website and your products.
For emphasis:
It is important to choose a domain name that is easier to remember and the one that will advertise your website and your products.Advise on How to Choose the Middle Descriptor:If you are a popular name, using your name as the Middle Descriptors will be a good idea. This is very important for popular movie stars, popular athletes, football stars, popular politicians, statesman, reknown scientists and artists, etc. For instance, the popular USA politician,
Barak Obama, has a website, using his name as the middle descriptor domain name:
www.barackobama.comIf you have a product or service that is well known, it is advisable to use the name of the products, e.g., which is a site of a very popular church, Christ Embassy.
If you neither have a popular name nor a well-known brand product, it is advisable to choose the name of the product you are marketing as the Middle descriptors.
Some important points to remember about the General descriptors are:
.org is usually used by non-profit oriented organization, e.g. the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), churches, etc.
.net is often used by profit oriented establishments, e.g. .com is generally used by multilateral organizations like
.edu is employed by academic institutions
.mil is usually for military and paramilitary institutions and learning
.biz can also be employed for business websites
.gov denotes government agency website
A combined two letters, such as are usually used to show the country you have registered your business or you are operating business from. For example, if you have it means you register in South Africa and not United Kingdom, which would have Government establishments and parastatals and academic institutions usually use this format to designate the country they operate from, e.g. is the domain name of a tertiary institution in South Africa.
There are no laws restricting you from using any of these general descriptors in your domain name. You may choose anyone to register your business with. However, wisdom suggests that as a newbie, who is still trying to carve out a name for his business, it is advisable to follow the general trend. For instance, if you use
.org in your domain name, anyone sighting your website may mistake it to be an NGO and skip it; don't forget an average browser spends less than one minutes in an unfamiliar website.
URLA Domain Name is not the same as URL. It is technically different from a URL. A domain is commonly a part of URL.
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL contains much more detail than a domain name.
Generally, URL consists of:(1).
Protocol: Remember Protocol is the language of the computer internet system. URL contains a protocol that enables the web browser to communicate with the server. That is, when you type in the URL into a browser and click search, the web browser can only communicate with the web server via the protocol in the URL and from the server the requested web page or file is then transferred back to the browser still via the enablement of the protocol.
The transfer protocol utilized for this purpose is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The initialized Protocol HTTP in the URL is normally written in small font at the extreme left side, follow by a colon and double slashes as shown thus:
"http://"(2). Domain name:
Next to the protocol is the domain name, which is mentioned above, e.g.
(3). Path location
The third part of the URL tells you exactly the path at which the particular web page you are searching for is located on the web server. It is written immediately after the domain name separated from the domain name by a slash. For instance the location of the free ebooks on home business in my website is: home-based-business-ebooks.html Thus, if you want to download the free ebooks in my website, the URL is: A URL is the fundamental network identification for any resource connected to the web (e.g., hypertext pages, images, and sound files). The advantage of a URL address is that they are considerably easier to remember than the IP address.
P.S. You can find additional information about URLs at the
World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C)(to be continued...)About the Author:-----------------------------------------------------------------
Adiari Captain is an expert on Proven Home Business. To find the best home based proven business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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