What to Do When at a Cross Road In Your BusinessCopyright © Captain Adiari
http://www.OnlineGain.netHave you ever had a strong hope only to be dashed because of results you never expected? Certainly if you are up to 28 years of age you would have experienced that at least once. What do you do at such a time?
There are 3 options left for any human at such a time.
You either do one of them: WALK AWAY; POSTPONE; or FORGE AHEAD.
This is the cross road. It is a critical point. Your action determines your outcome.
Everyone wants financial freedom. Freedom from the encumbrances of a tyrannical boss. Freedom from job-without-fulfillment. A liberty from chronic lean pockets, never having enough to meet life demands. A liberty from a hateful office routine!
Whatever was it that drove you, you finally located a home business. With enthusiasm you plunged into it. Yet after a few weeks, time, money and strengths having been pooled into it, all seem not to be walking as you thought or even planned.
That is the Home Business Cross Road. It is the mark between the Start Point and your Goal.
Start Point Cross Road Goal
Where do you go when at a Cross Road?
Every worthwhile achievement in our world, be it small or big, gets to a cross road. However, the difference between Success and Failure is that the earlier goes pass the Cross Road towards its Goal while the latter stops by the Cross Road or goes back to the Start Point.
Do you walk away? Do you postpone? Or do you forge ahead despite the rotten feelings in your stomach?
Next time when you COME to a cross road, before you walk away or postpone, consider:
• If Edison has walked away after the numerous experiments, the world might have had NO electricity
• If Richard Branson has postponed his entrepreneurial ideas, Virgin brand will have still been inside the ‘belly’ of his mind
• If Christ had walked away at the moment of his anguish at Gethsemane, no salvation for man and no Christianity
• If Michelangelo had walked away after repeated failures, the world would have been denied of masterpieces like the Statue of David
• If Colonel Sanders had walked away, condemning his 62 years as being wastages, Kentucky Fried Chicken, which he founded at such an advanced age, would have been buried in the grave with him
• If Helen Keller had walked away in self pity because of her physical handicaps of deafness and blindness, the world would have been denied great writings and inspirational gifts.
Tips to Remember before you walk away or postpone:
>Sit down and analyze where you went amiss
>Re-draw a new plan, possibly totally different from the former or just a slight amendment.
Be flexible to change a non-working method, but be rigidly stick to your Goal.
>Remember, your goal, which is your final destination, remains constant; your methods may, however, change. Only a fool does same thing and expect different result!
>Persistence means to continue towards your goal; your techniques or methods may change.
To minimize the pains that come with a cross road experience:
>Do not pump in too much money when starting out on a new business; business sense demands you start small and grow up from there
>Never despise the days of the small beginning---all great empires started as a small seed
>Educate yourself about your business; ignorance can cost you your life
>Look for a mentor; as much as possible, let the wisdom of the experts guides your decisions.
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