Affiliate Marketing [Part 3](Principles of Successful Internet Marketing) Copyright © Captain Adiari, M.D.
http://www.OnlineGain.netBrian Tracy summarizes fundamental truth in life and business: "You are successful in business and in life to the degree to which you find out what works and then apply that principle wherever and whenever it is appropriate to get a particular result." In other words, life is governed by principles. The simplest way to become successful is to do what successful people do, utilizing their principles.
In the same vein, you can duplicate the success of successful internet marketers. In
Affiliate Marketing [Part 2], we identify some reasons why some internet marketers fail to make money online. Here is a follow-up, which outlines the principles that make for successful business online.
1. Seek for knowledge of internet business
Where do you acquire knowledge of internet marketing? What type of information do you gather?
Basic free softwares to educate and help you kick start your business are abundantly available. Do a Google, Yahoo or MSN search of "internet marketing," "affiliate marketing," "internet business," etc. and a whole lot of information on various topics on internet marketing will open up. Read as much as you can especially the aspects that are very relevant for your business.
Subscribe to free newsletters like the one in my site: Also, most affiliate companies normally have promotional guides, educational instructions, interaction forum, etc. which are rich sources of information for your knowledge growth. Avail yourself of them.
As your knowledge base widens, you'll be able to choose which software or product will improve your business. Note, it's quite risky as a newbie to start with buying of products being promoted on the internet by the so-called internet gurus. Some of these softwares are only targeting your money and not your business growth.
2. Become networked
One thing you will realize as your knowledge of internet marketing increases is the uniqueness and interconnectivity of internet advertisement. You'll hear words like traffic flow, viral marketing, pay per click (PPC), etc.
Your target is to place your products before as many potential buyers as possible. The more successful you do this, the higher your chances of increase sales. The number of visitors to your website is what is referred as the "internet traffic." Your goal therefore is to increase the traffic flow to your site DAILY.
3. Master an aspect of internet advertisement
To be very successful in generating increased traffic flow to your site, you'll need to specialize in one or two aspects of internet advertisement per time and not be a general merchant with no focus. There are various forms of internet advertisement and they include Article Marketing, Newsletter Promotion, Blogging, Ezine Publication, Banners and logos, etc.
4. Develop the attitude of a businessman
Have an attitude of a businessman. Be goal oriented. For instance, how much traffic do you want to drive to your site in one day, in two much sales do you want to make next month?
Know that you are in business and must approach it businesslike. If you treat it as "just a hobby," don't be disappointed if your return-on-investment is nothing more than a paycheck for a leisure trip.
5. Give time for growth
Like every new business, you'll need to give time for your online business to grow. Not many people know about you before now, hence, they will need time to develop trust in you and your products. Remember how long it takes for you to decide to join internet marketing. Have a winning attitude, which is optimism. Avoid pessimistic attitude.
Remember, when an online marketer hastily folds up, terminating his trading, he has put a hot knife across his growing list.
6. Don't fail to automate
Automation of your system will yield far more results than manual operation. Most of your promotional ads can be uploaded in an autoresponse system. Your article submission, newsletters or email campaigns can be written beforehand and automated so that you only need to labour marginally and allows the system to do the rest for you.
This is the idea behind Direct Response Marketing, which is the ability of your system to deliver automatically to your customers. Welcome letters, thank-you-letters, news briefs, etc. can be automated so that once a subscription or sale is made, it is followed up immediately.
7. Remember Direct Response Marketing
Most internet browsers only spend less than one minute in an unfamiliar site. Hence, you have few seconds to catch their attention and make first impression. A negative or poor first impression will make you lose that potential buyer. Good quality web content captivates attention.
The language of the internet marketing promotion should be direct and specific. Avoid unnecessary details. And once a subscription or sale is generated, your system should send a follow up letter immediately, usually while the customer is still browsing. This should take seconds to minutes, and it is what automation does to your system. It is the hallmark of Direct Response Marketing.
8. Never forget Forum Marketing
Since internet business thrives a lot on networking, you'll need to join a forum(s), where you can post your challenges and learn from others. There are many such forums and many offer free membership. Each forum has its own regulations. A good example of forum is the Warrior Forum that has most internet successful marketers as members. Just browse "warrior forum," open its site and you'll see a provision for new membership registration. You can register straight ahead and belong to the cream of successful internet marketers.
Belonging to a forum actually rewards far beyond sharing opinions. As you post regularly in the forum with your signature included, you are inevitably building backlinks to your website. The more the backlinks to your website, the higher your rating by the search engines. This means free listing on front web pages. Imagine your website appearing on Google and Yahoo front pages! That is more exposure and increased free traffic, which means increased sales and subsequently more money for your pocket. That is Forum Marketing.
In summary:
I have just started sharing principles on which successful internet marketers amass fortunes online. They may sound quite common, for so is any universal law or principle. Practise them, and you'll see your sales jump up. I'll be going into more specific details in the subsequent articles. Stay tuned as we ply together into more effective internet marketing.
"Universal laws and principles are similar to telephone numbers in that if you dial the right number, you get through to the desired party. But even if you are brilliant, well educated, sincere, determined, and intelligent, if you dial the wrong number, you won't get through." - Brian Tracy.
P.S. Watch out for the continuity of this article in Part 4 Affiliate Marketing.
About the Author:-----------------------------------------------------------------
Adiari Captain is an expert on Proven Home Business. To find the best home based proven business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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