Part 5: YOU TOO CAN BE RICH Get Mad to Get Happy GET MAD!
I mean it... Get *REALLY* mad!
Get MAD anytime you have to do something that you
don't really want to do (like going to work FOR
SOMEBODY ELSE early in the morning)...
Get MAD for all the times you've wanted to buy
something nice for yourself, go on a vacation, take the
day off, or (insert your desires here) but couldn't
afford it...
Get MAD if you've ever worried when the stock market
goes down...
Get MAD if there has ever been an opportunity to
improve your life or the life of people you love, but
you couldn't take advantage of it because of time or
financial limitations...
Get MAD if what you *REALLY* wish you could do in this
life isn't happening YET...
Why I'm telling you to get mad? Don't all the
self-help materials tell you to keep a positive
attitude... things will "work out"???
Guess what... THEY'RE WRONG!
*Before* you jump in and ride positive attitude parade,
you need to get red-hot, ***boiling*** MAD about the
way things are RIGHT NOW... It's only when you GET
MAD, get fed up and get really pissed off with the way
things have been or the way things are now that you
will take the ACTION necessary to change your current
situation and make it into something better.
We are creatures driven by two desires only:
1) The desire to gain pleasure.
2) The desire to avoid pain.
And the latter is stronger than the former. We are much
more motivated to *avoid pain* than to gain pleasure.
Yes, we are all driven by the carrot and the stick, but
fear of the stick will get the average person moving a
lot faster than a salad at the end of a hard days
Why do you *really* go to work every day? Is it because
you’re pursuing your passion and some grandiose goals? I
truly hope so! But most people get up and go to work
because they FEAR losing their job and ending up
homeless on the side of the streets begging for KFC
leftovers to get them through the night... The desire
to avoid this horrific pain is EXTREMELY motivational,
isn't it?! USE IT!!!
Don't fight against the forces that govern your very
existence... pleasure and pain. Use them wisely to your
benefit. If you know that pain motivates you, MAKE
change your current circumstances. It's OK to use your
imagination here.
Think about what would happen if you got fired and
couldn't find another job for the next 6 months... How
freaked out would you get then? Feel that.
Think about what would happen if you simply did nothing
different for the rest of your life and continued to
live the "status quo", do-what's-expected-of-you
lifestyle that's got you this far, and left many of your
most sacred dreams and ambitions on the table. How
painful will it be to be on your deathbed knowing that
you never even tried to do what your heart was telling
you that you *really* wanted to do in this life? Feel
Think about what not having enough time or money is NOT
ALLOWING you to do that you really, really, really,
really wish you could do (insert all the things that
are important to you but seem out of reach right now
here)... Feel that.
..... and then RIGHT NOW, before the feeling fades away
or is numbed out of existence by your favorite
television show or alcoholic beverage, MAKE A DECISION
to change. That's all it takes. As soon as you decide
that you've HAD ENOUGH with the mediocrity you've
accepted up to this point, the world shifts on its
axis and will present you with new ways to think, new
ways to act, new ways to LIVE.
Big doors swing on small hinges and the hinges that
open the doors of opportunity are always the DECISIONS
we make about what we will and what we won't settle
for in our life. If you allow yourself to get MAD
ENOUGH, the "settling point" for what you can and
will receive in your life will be raised and you will
experience a better future... a future more closely
aligned with WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO DO here on Earth.
as you start creating your life on your terms the way
you always hoped it would be... and it can my friend -
it really, truly can!
When I *GOT MAD*, I decided to find better way to make
my living contrary to what my parents and society at
large told me was possible... I'm so glad I did
because now I'm living my dream life and helping
others live theirs. Read my story at: Your Happiness!
This article is culled from Stone Evans' article, The Home Biz Guy Captain
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