Part 7: YOU TOO CAN BE RICHThe Best Place to Start Your Internet Business Copyright © Captain Adiari, M.D.
http://www.OnlineGain.netAffiliate MarketingWhy You Should Start with Affiliate Marketing?As I have mentioned several times in Parts 1 to 6: YOU TOO CAN BE RICH, many internet marketers will readily tell you that the best place to start in the online business is Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing is one of the best options for a newcomer, a newbie, in the internet business.
Does any of the following names sound familiar: Mike Filsaime, Willie Crawford, John Chow, Darren Rowe, Eben Pagen, Gary Ambrose, Joel Comm, Derek Gehl, etc.? These are successful internet marketers. Interestingly, virtually all of them started as affiliate marketers, and as their knowledge-base of internet grew, they carved out niches for themselves in various aspects of IM.
First, what is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing, in its crude sense, simply means belonging to an already existing company, market its products and be receiving commissions as payment.
Many big companies are constantly looking for customers to buy their products, which may be goods or services. And most of these companies know that they have constraints reaching their targeted market. Such constraints may be lack of time to advertise, advertisement cost, inability to correctly decipher the market, etc. Hence, they need associates who can circumvent these constraints and reach the targeted markets with the company's products. Any profit being generated is then shared between the company and the associates. These associates are referred to as AFFILIATES.
How Internet Simplifies Affiliate Marketing?The good news is that you don't need to carry products about. You don't need to go and knock at people's doors trying to sell products. Internet has simplified the whole processes of affiliate marketing. In fact, internet affiliate marketing is such that you may not even have knowledge of the products of the company you are marketing. All you do is to refer customers to the company, and any sale generated is automatically credited to your account.
In summary, the effect of internet on affiliate marketing includes:
-generating many sales at the same time from different parts of the world
-no telephone calls
-avoidance of direct sale of the product to customers
-small startup capital
-may not require your own website
-little or no knowledge of the products of the affiliate company
-automation: you can upload your advertisement messages into an autoresponse device like, which will from time to time (the frequency depending on how you design it) sends out your promotional messages to your subscribers. What this means is that you make sales even while asleep.
-you can easily achieve a wider customer-base through email marketing, ezine marketing, etc.
-you can belong to more than one affiliate company at the same time. In fact, you can build a single website to integrate up to six affiliate companies and market them as a single entity thereby generating multiple streams of income! It's like killing many birds with a stone. I refer to this as the Integrated Affiliate Marketing.
How Do I Know Which Affiliate Company to Join?Business is driven by profit. A good affiliate company should be one that will help you maximize profit.
To make profit, you must choose affiliate companies:
>whose products are hotcakes in the market
>that pay a handsome commission
>that have a multilevel-commission payment system
>have good credibility in the market, and not one that will eat up your commission.
A Multilevel-Commission SystemA multilevel-commission payment is one that has a system of crediting you with the sale benefits of your down-line. For example, let's say you sell your company's product to John, who in turn sells to Carson and Okon. Now Okon sells to Matthew, who then makes sales to Fidelis and Ngozi. If it is a multilevel-commission payment system, you should be credited with the sales made by all the people mentioned in this example even though you actually made just one direct sale, which is to John. That is, from one single effort, multiplied benefits are accrued to your accounts!
Most modern affiliate companies operate a multilevel commission system. Examples of these companies are Success University, Empowerism, SFI, etc. Some companies however, operate a single-level or double-level commission system. Avoid such companies except you calculate their commission rates to be large enough to give you profit.
Where Do I Get Good Affiliate Companies?If you do a search for
"affiliate companies" or
"affiliate program" in, you'll see a lot of affiliate companies. You can research individual company to determine their products, terms and regulations, commission payment and modality of payment, etc.
You can check this website; it will give you more information.
The PIPS ProgramYou don't need to look far for good affiliate programs to join. Plug-In-Profit Site (PIPS, for short), develop by Stone Evans since 1992, has an Integrated Affiliate Marketing System. It contains basically six affiliate companies. Each of these companies is a leader in its market and among the highest payer of commission. The commission payment is a multilevel system. Thus, PIPS program gives you multiple streams of income!
When you sign on, Stone Evans will build a website for you, which is virtually free. And he leads you on a 30-day step-by-step affiliate marketing strategies and internet advertising so that you can start generating sales within 24 hours of signing on.
This is a great program for a newcomer to internet marketing to start with. Most PIPS members are top earners in major affiliate internet marketing companies. From here you'll grow to know more about internet business.
My StoryI have longed to make money from the internet business. However, I didn't know where to start as there is so much information, and with internet scams spilling over everywhere.
I tried to build a website and sell some of my professional books that I have written. But still I did not know where to start, and moreover the web designer was rather too costly.
In the midst of this, I stumbled on Stone Evan's PIPS program. This marked the beginning of coordinated, purposeful internet marketing. I have grown in internet marketing knowledge ever since.
You too can be successful and make money online, which if you persist can give you that financial freedom you have heard so much about.
You can read more about PIPS program here: the Author:-----------------------------------------------------------------
Adiari Captain is an expert on Proven Home Business. To find the best home based proven business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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